Stress Management & Resilience Training

With the pressures and demands of life increasing on all sides, it’s important to recognise that workplace stress can arise from personal or professional sources. A1 Personal Developments programs provide tools for supporting your staff when they need help most – whether at home or in office settings!

With our programs, you can develop the skills necessary for your staff to continue performing well in a changing world. We guide participants through unique stress factors and how they may affect them as well as their colleagues at work – highlighting practical strategies that will help employees cope with everyday demands while still maintaining healthy lifestyles.

For leaders, we offer a specialised program to enhance their ability to cope with the stress associated with managing others. It’s vital for them not just to find effective ways but also maintain team morale and confidence in leadership while retaining employee engagement levels so that business continues smoothly without any hiccups along the way!

Participants will learn how to:

  • Understand and communicate more sensitively with others, without denying or sacrificing their own feelings.
  • Get back on their feet and stay there. A strong recovery from adversity will help you to be more resilient in the future, so that’s something we can all use a little bit more often!
  • Work under pressure with greater calmness and clarity of mind in order to not only do their job well but also stay healthy throughout the day!
  • With clinically-proven breathing and relaxation techniques, you can dramatically reduce stress in a few moments.
  • Achieve significant relief from chronic pain, insomnia and high blood pressure.
  • Enhance personal productivity. Eliminate distractions and refocus the mind on what you want to achieve, getting results faster than ever before!
  • Increase the ability to concentrate amidst hyper connectivity and distractions.